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Open University (UK) creates science of light animation to celebrate IYL2015 & call for translators
11 May 2015

The Open University (UK), together with the South East Physics Network and The Royal Astronomical Society in the UK, has released a new animation to celebrate the International Year of Light 2015.

This short animation introduces the following six milestone discoveries in the science of light whose anniversaries are celebrated in 2015: 1000 years of “The book Of Optics” by Ibn Al Haytham (1015); 200 years of the Wavelength’s Theory of Light by Fresnel (1815), 150 years of the Electromagnetic Theory of Light by Maxwell (1865), 100 years of General Relativity by Einstein (1915), 60 years of the discovery of the Cosmic Microwave Background by Penzias & Wilson and the implementation of Fibre Optics in communication by Charles Kao (1965).

Lucia Marchetti, head of the Education & Outreach working group in the IYL2015 UK National committee and co-ordinator of The Open University’sinvolvement, says: “Light or science, in general, is a universal resource which isn’t limited by state, borders or language. The International year of light is a wonderful opportunity to foster this message for a global community. We want the stories told in our IYL2015 animation to reach the largest possible audience to inspire people of all ages about the science of light. This is an incredibly challenging task, so we are inviting the IYL community to help us by translating the animation into as many languages as possible. With your help we will be able to open up these wonderful stories to children all around the world.”

The Open University is inviting everyone to help them translate and record the voice-over for the animation in as many languages as possible. To help, please visit The Open University’s IYL2015 webpage, follow the link to the translation project and register as as volunteer. All translations of the animation will be posted on the same page and the translated text will be converted into a PDF file that will be freely available for anyone to download and use. For any other enquires please email:

To watch the original version of the animation in English and to access more free multidisciplinary contentrelated to light please visit The Open University’s IYL2015 webpage

The Italian and Polish versions of the animation are already underway… Will your language be next?

Open University Contact :

Lucia Marchetti

Chair of the Education & Outreach working group and Astronomy lead

IYL2015 UK National Committee

Co-ordinator for the Open University IYL2015 sponsorship



IYL2015 animation
IYL2015 animation