Ever wondered where the Universe came from? Or more importantly, where it's headed? Voiced by famous British TV star and comedian, David Mitchell, the ongoing series, 60 Second Adventures in Astronomy, examines all the hottest scientific concepts in astronomy, from the big bang to relativity, from black holes to dark matter.
These short videos are informative, humorous and the perfect length for children, teenagers and adults with more to their lives than sitting on youtube. The animations are pleasantly quirky in style and content, and each episode somehow covers the most important facts for each subject. However, the language and pace would be challenging for young children, a recommended starting age would be around 8 years.
If you'd like a quick lesson or re-cap on the most popular subjects within astronomy, I cannot recommend a better way to spend 10 minutes of your life! The series is courtesy of the Open University and can be viewed on youtube. Watch the first episode below!