On Monday 29 May 2017, the course ‘Our Wonderful Universe’ has started. This is the third MOOC of Space Awareness, and is built in such a way that all teachers can participate, focusing especially on those who are interested in astronomy but have little background information and do not feel comfortable to communicate basic information about our universe to their students. You can participate now by registering on the EUN Academy platform.
In this course, participants will learn to understand basic information about the Sun, the Moon, the Earth and other planets, as well as other celestial objects. Participants will also learn how to tackle misconceptions about space and astronomy with students, how to introduce fun activities and learn how to use them at school or at home. Lastly, this MOOC will raise awareness on different space missions and space careers.
This course also builds upon the concepts presented in the first Space Awareness MOOC, Teaching with Space and Astronomy in your classroom. Anyone wishing to join is encouraged to briefly review the topics of Inquiry Based Science Education, ICT tools for space and astronomy, managing diversity and gender balance, and how to introduce space careers to students, before the start of the course. You can participate now by registering on the EUN Academy platform.
Introduction video 'Our Wonderful Universe' by Space Awareness.
To read more about the Space Awareness project and MOOCs, visit www.space-awareness.org/skills. Contact the project team at euspaceawe@eun.org and follow Space Awareness on social media with #spaceMOOC and @space_awe. Connect with MOOCs participants in the Facebook group dedicated to MOOCs.
This course was developed under the Space Awareness project funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Programme under the grant agreement no. 638653.
Space Awareness: Inspiring a New Generation of Space Explorers
‘Space Awareness’ is an international educational project which aims to use the excitement of space exploration in order to raise students’ interest in science and technology as well as space-related careers and stimulate their sense of global citizenship. To achieve that, the project is offering a wide range of tools and activities to inspire children, teenagers, and teachers to be involved in space-related activities. Among others, this project offers activities and professional development tools, educational resources, Space Scoops, citizen science and games, as well as space careers stories.
- Space Awareness project and MOOCs
- EUN Academy platform registration
- Facebook group dedicated to MOOCs
- Contact euspaceawe@eun.org