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UNAWE Croatia Highlights
22 August 2016

UNAWE Croatia organised many events during the last year!

Some highlights, as told by Danijela Takač, national project manager of UNAWE Croatia

School visits

“We visited nearby schools and 1st to 4th grade classes and introduced the students to the beauty of the Universe.

The interesting thing in Croatia is that there is no astronomy in the school curricula, so all activities we have been doing are the first contact of the children with astronomy.

Most of our workshops first started with a short presentation of the Solar system and our place in the Universe. We introduced all the planets and their characteristics. Later on we had a workshop with the students and asked them to design a rocket or their own alien. Of all the activities we have done for older students (7-10 years old) they seem to adore ‘Design your alien’ because it gives them time to explore their own creativity.”

City Workshop

“We organised a big workshop in the city for general public and children from 3 - 12 years old. It was very fun and educational day!”

Stargazing Party

“The highlight of our year was a stargazing party we organised for a kindergarten. Just looking at the children’s wide open eyes and big smiles as they see the Moon and planets through a telescope for the first time is the reason for all this hard work. After looking through the telescope, the children first look at you speechless in awe and after two seconds just start with a thousand interesting questions.”

Teacher Trainings

“We also held teacher trainings and teacher presentations, where we introduced UNAWE activities to teachers and showed them how to implement them in the classroom. We disseminated about our work in the Croatian national educational newspaper where we also invited all the kindergarten teachers to contact us if they want to us organise a free workshop in their class.”

Erasmus +

“This year we are starting a new Erasmus + project called ‘Full STEAM Ahead’ that is tightly connected to astronomy and the exploration of Mars. It will allow us to reach even further, introducing schools around Europe to UNAWE activities and producing new activities for UNAWE. Throughout the project we hope to gain some funds to organise even more workshops throughout the country.”

Do you want to be involved with UNAWE Croatia? Contact Danijela Takač!
