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Travelling around Earth with Spacey

New UNAWE Book

10 June 2013

What better way is there to inspire the youngest children than by reading a story? We all remember reading stories as a child, or our parents or teachers reading a book to us. A story can inspire, bring out your imagination and make you think about things. EU-Universe Awareness wanted just that and therefore collaborated with the well known Dutch publisher Leopold, world famous science and astronomy writer Govert Schilling and Dutch award-winning illustrator Jan Jutte, to make the inspiring children’s book ‘Where is Spacey’s planet?’.

 The book is EU-UNAWE's first published story and it encompasses the vision of UNAWE: to use the beauty and grandeur of the Universe to encourage young children, particularly those from an underprivileged background, to have an interest in science and technology and foster their sense of global citizenship from the earliest age.

In the book children travel with Spacey, a friendly alien, who has landed on Earth's South Pole and cannot find his planet anymore. They go around the world in search of Spacey’s planet. During this journey across the Earth children get a sense of the wonder of the universe and the world around us, as well as a sense of global citizenship. As the journey continues they pass a big city where the characters cannot see the stars at all, pointing out the importance of preserving the night skies.

Author Govert Schilling, a prize-winning Dutch astronomy writer, developed the story in collaboration with UNAWE. “We wanted to fire the imagination of very young children,” he says, “not by providing bare astronomical facts about the sun, the moon, and the stars, but by telling a moving story about friendship and hope. Along the way, children will hear about the universe they live in, and they are encouraged to look across borders.” Schilling approached award-winning children’s book illustrator Jan Jutte, who immediately got enthusiastic about the project and who created Spacey and Ponko, the protagonists of the story.


Spacey’s Educational Material

UNAWE has prepared a list of educational resources that can be used to further explore the scientific topics in the book:

 Win a copy of ‘Where’s Spacey’s planet?’

Do you want to win your own copy of ‘Where is Spacey’s Planet?’? Then take part in our competition: simply draw a picture showing what you think Spacey’s planet looks like. Make sure the planet fits Spacey perfectly and add an explanation of why the planet you drew is Spacey's home. For example: Why does Spacey have four eyes? Maybe his planet is far from its Sun and it's dark there? Maybe there are thick, foggy clouds blocking out light and Spacey needs extra eyes to peet through it? There could even be other animals there, dangerous creatures that Spacey has to watch out for! You decide. When you've drawn your picture and explained it, send it to us at:

Teachers, you can also do this activity with your class and send us their best pictures! 


Robin Kleian



Where is Spacey’s planet?
Where is Spacey’s planet?