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2018 International Science Education and Public Outreach Events
12 January 2018

For the coming year, we have compiled a list of upcoming international science education and public outreach events that are relevant to the UNAWE network. The list consists of conferences, workshops and other events that address a variety of topics, such as curriculum planning, science teacher training, fostering early learning, citizen science and communicating astronomy with the public.

The list will be updated throughout the year and can also be found via the Events tab in the navigation bar at the top of this page. You can also contribute to this list using the Submit your event form.

The list below is organised chronologically:


HORIZON 2020 Science with and for Society2018, 29 January, Brussels, Belgium

Brussels, Belgium
29 January 2018

Members of the Science with and for Society research community are gathered at this brokerage event to look for networking and funding opportunities within Horizon 2020. It aims to make science more attractive and stimulate societal innovation and research.


Mission X: Train like an astronaut

38 countries, international
5 March - 26 April

Mission X is a competition between schools where classes follow an eight-week astronaut training. In doing so, they compete with each other for the most points. At the end of the eight-week competition, each country has a winner that is rewarded with a fantastic prize for the class. In 2018, 38 countries will participate, including Argentina, Canada, France, Great Britain, Japan, the United States and South Africa.


Human Space Physiology Training Course 2018

Redu, Belgium
20-24 March

During this 4-day course, students will learn about the range of approaches used to study the physiological effects of spaceflight, including various ground-based analogues and models of the space environment, such as long-term (head down) bed rest and over-wintering in Antarctica. They will also have the chance to work in teams on a mini-project on major issues and challenges facing human spaceflight.


Communicating Astronomy with the Public (CAP 2018)

Fukuoka, Japan
24-28 March

CAP conferences facilitate the exchange of ideas and best practices. The conference helps strengthen the local community of professionals by connecting them to a global network of science communicators, public outreach professionals, informal educators, professional astronomers, amateur astronomers, planetarium, museum and science center professionals, natural and social science researchers, journalists & writers, creatives & artists. CAP 2018 in Japan will be a unique opportunity to meet face-to-face with new professionals in the Japanese, Asian, and worldwide astronomy communication communities.


Astronomy Education Meeting in Kagoshima

Kagoshima, Japan
30 March

A casual meeting for local school teachers and international educators to share a wide variety of astronomy education activities. The event will focus on life long learning and the link with the CAP community, taking place just after the CAP 2018 event. Talks will be given by UNAWE network members, among others.


PCST 2018: International Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference

Dunedin, New Zealand
4–6 April

A conference for science communicators themed "Science, Stories, Society – the Soul of Science Communication". It will focus on stories from a global perspective told by scientists and science communicators, about scientific research, and the story of science in society.


Fulldome Festival: International Planetarium Society

Toulouse, France
27-29 June

The Fulldome Festival is a film festival in the large planetarium in Cité de l’espace in Toulouse, Europe’s primary astronomy and space science culture center. During a 2 and a half day event 40 international films be be shown, of which the best will be selected by a jury and presented at the IPS conference on Wednesday, July 4, 2018.

The Mars Mission Summer School

Marathon, Greece
1-6 July

The Mars Mission Summer School is designed for teaching professionals in STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). It will introduce to teachers how to integrate space related themes in their teaching using interdisciplinary learning and inquiry-based science teaching techniques.


STEAM Summer School

Valletta, Malta
2-11 July

STEAM is a 10-day intensive summer school in science communication. An innovative form of education will include Arts into the classical STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). The ultimate goals are to improve science awareness and develop informed opinions, increase student uptake of STEM careers for high-level jobs, stimulate the socio-economic wellbeing of partner countries, and enhance the transferable skills of current researchers.

CASE Summer School

Marathon, Greece
8-13 July

The CASE Summer School is a 5-day intensive course that introduces 3 case studies for creative science inquiry, namely Learning Science Though Theater, Puppetry and Learning through Art and Narratives for primary schools. The Summer School will increase the skills and competences to those that are interested to work with primary school students or are primary school teachers already.


Go-Lab Summer School

Marathon, Greece
8-13 July

The Go-Lab Summer School is specifically designed for teaching professionals in STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). It will introduce to teachers the use of online virtual experimentations and remote laboratories as well as inquiry-based science teaching techniques in order to develop, improve and enhance their teaching skills and practices.


CREATIONS Summer School

Marathon, Greece
8-13 July

The CREATIONS Summer School introduces innovative approaches and activities that involve teachers and students in Scientific Research through creative ways that are based on Art. The Course focuses on the development of effective links and synergies between schools and research infrastructures in order to spark young people’s interest in science and in following scientific careers.


World Space Week 2018

4-10 October

World Space Week is an international celebration of science and technology, and their contribution to the betterment of the human condition. World Space Week consists of a myriad of space-related events held by space agencies, aerospace companies, schools, planetaria, museums, and astronomy clubs in a common timeframe to achieve greater student and public impact through synchronization.



Open Science Centre concept art
Open Science Centre concept art