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It is only with the continued support of educators, parents and the astronomy community that we will fulfil the goals of EU-UNAWE.

Carolina Ödman Govender, former UNAWE International Project Manager

UNAWE Social Media Pages

Here you can find an overview of the official UNAWE social media pages:



Youtube for sharing short videos:

Vimeo for sharing longer, professional videos:

Flickr for photos:

Pinterest for organising images and ideas:

Google Plus

Issuu for sharing Space Scoops:

SlideShare for sharing presentations:

OED (Open Education Resources) is a platform to develop and share educational resources:

DIY ('do it yourself') challenges children to learn new skills on a wide-range of topics, including Astronomy:

TES (Teach, Educate, Share) allows its 2.5 million members to download and share resources:

Scientix is a community for science education in Europe:


National UNAWE Twitter pages:

UNAWE's twitter page for the Netherlands:

UNAWE's twitter page for Romania:

UNAWE's twitter page for Tanzania:

UNAWE's twitter page for Wales:

UNAWE's twitter page for Venezuela:

More information:

Why use social media? Presentation by Oana Sandu (ESO)

Social Media Influence: Figures Infographic by DashBurst